Janice Kang
New York City
Starting from weight lifting to swimming, Janice has been an active person for the most part of her life. Then college came and life took an early toll. Stress and work overload took over her mind and body and she found herself being admitted into the hospital for a gall bladder removal. Further complications and weak immunity left her in critical conditions with an acute Pancreatitis. Being bedridden for two months and lacking nutrition from solid food, her muscles began to deteriorate. A few months after being discharged she picked up on yoga, weight training, and pilates to help speed up her recovery. She was taken aback at how quickly she could build up to doing a hundred sit ups, but could not do a single perfect roll up. Eureka! The difference between having strong abs and having a strong core. Eight years later, and after several career changes, she decided to proceed with her passion in fitness and wellness by getting Core Mat I & II certified at Power Pilates. Using her extensive background in education and psychology, she hopes to bring her realization of the strong connection between mind and body to each and every one of her sessions.